What is the role of physical therapy after a spinal cord injury?
What are the typical goals of physical therapy after a spinal cord injury?
What's the most important thing for a patient to understand about physical therapy after a spinal cord injury?
What can families do to help with physical therapy after a spinal cord injury?
What are key mobility functions and why are they important?
What is range of motion and why is it important to maintain after a spinal cord injury?
What is a contracture and how is it prevented?
How do physical therapists help people with spinal cord injuries prevent pressure sores?
What is a pressure release and why is it important?
What do patients need to know about wheelchair transfers after a spinal cord injury?
What do family members need to know about how to assist with a wheelchair transfer after a spinal cord injury?
In what ways do physical therapists train family members after a spinal cord injury?
What do patients with spinal cord injuries need to know after leaving a rehabilitation center?
How long should physical therapy for a spinal cord injury continue after leaving a rehabilitation center?
What are the most important factors to consider when selecting a wheelchair for someone with spinal cord injury?
Why is fitting necessary after a new wheelchair is delivered?
How frequently is a wheelchair tune-up necessary?
When should someone with a spinal cord injury replace their wheelchair?
What factors should be considered in making a choice between a power or manual wheelchair for someone with a spinal cord injury?
What are the day-to-day concerns when switching from manual to power wheelchair?
What are "power-assist" wheelchair wheels?