Paralysis and Spinal Cord Injury Medical Expert Interviews

Sports and Recreation After Spinal Cord Injury

 Recreational therapy (RT) for people with a spinal cord injury is a form of therapeutic treatment that uses recreational activities, and adaptive sports to nurture social relationships and  develop mobility skills in a community setting. These therapists identify what patients liked to do before their spinal cord injuries and find new ways for them to continue to do them--which is often a welcome surprise and a comfort to patients. 


In this section, prominent medical expert, Dr. Jennifer Piatt, explains what patients need to know about recreational therapy, how to find recreational activities and competitive sports programs. She discusses how sports adaptations can enable someone to play virtually any sport.  She also focuses on finding ways to get back into the world with a wheelchair and offers advice on sex and dating.

Jennifer Piatt, PhD Read Bio

Recreational Therapist/Graduate Program Coordinator, School of Public Health, Indiana University
