What are the “developmental milestones” for young children 0-5? - Sara Klaas, MSW
What are the “developmental milestones” for young children 0-5? |
Sara Klaas, MSWDirector, Spinal Cord Injury Service, Shriners Hospital for Children, Chicago |
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For young children, learning how to play, crawl, grasp, pull up; to be able to start to walk and move around in their environment. So, those are some of the physical milestones and developmental milestones kids will meet. We also meet psychological milestones, so a baby—trust versus mistrust. When you cry for the first time, knowing that someone will respond to that cry, and you can trust your caregiver or your provider. So, there are psychological and physical milestones that we all go through and continue to go through for the spectrum of our life.
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What are the “developmental milestones” for young children 0-5? |
Sara Klaas, MSWDirector, Spinal Cord Injury Service, Shriners Hospital for Children, Chicago |
More Videos by Sara Klaas | |
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For young children, learning how to play, crawl, grasp, pull up; to be able to start to walk and move around in their environment. So, those are some of the physical milestones and developmental milestones kids will meet. We also meet psychological milestones, so a baby—trust versus mistrust. When you cry for the first time, knowing that someone will respond to that cry, and you can trust your caregiver or your provider. So, there are psychological and physical milestones that we all go through and continue to go through for the spectrum of our life.