What can families do to help with physical therapy after a spinal cord injury? - Laura Wehrli, PT
What can families do to help with physical therapy after a spinal cord injury? |
Laura Wehrli, PTPhysical Therapist/Supervisor, Spinal Cord Injury Unit, Craig Hospital, Colorado |
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I believe that family members are a crucial part of physical therapy and rehab—especially initial rehab right after a spinal cord injury. Having the support of family helps that patient to be able to participate fully—sometimes—and be able to focus on the skills that we’re asking them to do, and relate them to how they interact with their family, how they are supported by their family. To then go out on certain outings or adventures that they want to go on with the supervision of physical therapy and rec therapy staff. The support that the family provides really helps the patient to cope with their injury, and to hopefully have some encouragement that allows them to continue on with the rehab and their functional skills.
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What can families do to help with physical therapy after a spinal cord injury? |
Laura Wehrli, PTPhysical Therapist/Supervisor, Spinal Cord Injury Unit, Craig Hospital, Colorado |
More Videos by Laura Wehrli | |
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I believe that family members are a crucial part of physical therapy and rehab—especially initial rehab right after a spinal cord injury. Having the support of family helps that patient to be able to participate fully—sometimes—and be able to focus on the skills that we’re asking them to do, and relate them to how they interact with their family, how they are supported by their family. To then go out on certain outings or adventures that they want to go on with the supervision of physical therapy and rec therapy staff. The support that the family provides really helps the patient to cope with their injury, and to hopefully have some encouragement that allows them to continue on with the rehab and their functional skills.