What do family members and caregivers need to know about pressure sores? - Mary Zeigler, MS
What do family members and caregivers need to know about pressure sores? |
Mary Zeigler, MSClinical Nurse Specialist, Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago |
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They need to know that pressure sores have to be prevented. Otherwise, the patient is going to suffer, as well as the family, tremendously. They may have to become bed-bound; it could be a huge financial burden; they may not be able to go to school, or go to their job, it’s going to have a very negative impact on the patient’s life. And the more serious the pressure sore is, usually the longer it’s going to take to heal. In addition, a pressure sore can kill. Over 60,000 people a year die from the complications of pressure sores.
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What do family members and caregivers need to know about pressure sores? |
Mary Zeigler, MSClinical Nurse Specialist, Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago |
More Videos by Mary Zeigler | |
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They need to know that pressure sores have to be prevented. Otherwise, the patient is going to suffer, as well as the family, tremendously. They may have to become bed-bound; it could be a huge financial burden; they may not be able to go to school, or go to their job, it’s going to have a very negative impact on the patient’s life. And the more serious the pressure sore is, usually the longer it’s going to take to heal. In addition, a pressure sore can kill. Over 60,000 people a year die from the complications of pressure sores.