What funding options are available to help pay for assistive technology after a spinal cord injury? - Katie Powell, OT
What funding options are available to help pay for assistive technology after a spinal cord injury? |
Katie Powell, OTOccupational Therapist, Clement J. Zablocki VA Medical Center, Milwaukee |
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I think the best funding source is to look at different organizations in the community. Throughout the country there are both national and local organizations for people with spinal cord injuries that have funds and grants available for people to get assistive technology. Ask your social workers, your occupational and physical therapists are a lot of the times the people who will have the information about local organizations that give funding for different pieces of equipment. In the VA System, fortunately we do have funding for people to be able to get assistive technology to be independent in their home.
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What funding options are available to help pay for assistive technology after a spinal cord injury? |
Katie Powell, OTOccupational Therapist, Clement J. Zablocki VA Medical Center, Milwaukee |
More Videos by Katie Powell | |
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I think the best funding source is to look at different organizations in the community. Throughout the country there are both national and local organizations for people with spinal cord injuries that have funds and grants available for people to get assistive technology. Ask your social workers, your occupational and physical therapists are a lot of the times the people who will have the information about local organizations that give funding for different pieces of equipment. In the VA System, fortunately we do have funding for people to be able to get assistive technology to be independent in their home.