What is a pressure release and why is it important for someone with an SCI? - Laura Wehrli, PT
What is a pressure release and why is it important for someone with an SCI? |
Laura Wehrli, PTPhysical Therapist/Supervisor, Spinal Cord Injury Unit, Craig Hospital, Colorado |
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In order to prevent pressure ulcers, we often teach patients or will teach patients how to perform pressure reliefs or weight shifts, depending on how you refer to those. And a pressure relief is essentially an intermittent change in posture in order to off-weight those surfaces that they’re sitting on. So we may ask them to push up in their wheelchair, to lean forward in their wheelchair to off-weight those “ischial tuberosities” as we call them, under the buttocks, and be able to off-weight those surfaces and prevent pressure ulcers.
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What is a pressure release and why is it important for someone with an SCI? |
Laura Wehrli, PTPhysical Therapist/Supervisor, Spinal Cord Injury Unit, Craig Hospital, Colorado |
More Videos by Laura Wehrli | |
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In order to prevent pressure ulcers, we often teach patients or will teach patients how to perform pressure reliefs or weight shifts, depending on how you refer to those. And a pressure relief is essentially an intermittent change in posture in order to off-weight those surfaces that they’re sitting on. So we may ask them to push up in their wheelchair, to lean forward in their wheelchair to off-weight those “ischial tuberosities” as we call them, under the buttocks, and be able to off-weight those surfaces and prevent pressure ulcers.