What is “spasticity”? - T. George Hornby, PhD, PT
What is “spasticity”? |
T. George Hornby, PhD, PTResearch Scientist, Sensory Motor Performance Program, Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago |
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Spasticity are these involuntary movements of the legs that can sometimes be aggravating, sometimes painful. But they indicate that there's connection from your muscles to your spinal cord, back to your legs again. And that connection may actually be good for walking recovery. It just sometimes, when you're not walking, presents itself in these involuntary movements that you sometimes can't control.
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What is “spasticity”? |
T. George Hornby, PhD, PTResearch Scientist, Sensory Motor Performance Program, Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago |
More Videos by T. George Hornby | |
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Spasticity are these involuntary movements of the legs that can sometimes be aggravating, sometimes painful. But they indicate that there's connection from your muscles to your spinal cord, back to your legs again. And that connection may actually be good for walking recovery. It just sometimes, when you're not walking, presents itself in these involuntary movements that you sometimes can't control.