What is the single best piece of advice you have for creating good family relationships after a spinal cord injury? - Nancy Rosenberg, PsyD
What is the single best piece of advice you have for creating good family relationships after a spinal cord injury? |
Nancy Rosenberg, PsyDPsychology Clinical Specialist and Director, Peer Mentor Programs, Magee Rehabilitation Hospital, Philadelphia |
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I think the single most important thing to know is that things are going to work out. This is not always going to be overwhelming; this is not always going to feel like the most horrible thing in the world. Your lives are not going to be over. This could be in fact an opportunity. As odd as that sounds, it’s often an opportunity for people to take new direction, to assess their lives, to move forward in different ways.
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What is the single best piece of advice you have for creating good family relationships after a spinal cord injury? |
Nancy Rosenberg, PsyDPsychology Clinical Specialist and Director, Peer Mentor Programs, Magee Rehabilitation Hospital, Philadelphia |
More Videos by Nancy Rosenberg | |
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I think the single most important thing to know is that things are going to work out. This is not always going to be overwhelming; this is not always going to feel like the most horrible thing in the world. Your lives are not going to be over. This could be in fact an opportunity. As odd as that sounds, it’s often an opportunity for people to take new direction, to assess their lives, to move forward in different ways.