What’s the most important thing for parents to do after a child is diagnosed with a spinal cord injury? - Patricia Mucia, RN
What’s the most important thing for parents to do after a child is diagnosed with a spinal cord injury? |
Patricia Mucia, RNNurse Care Coordinator, Shriners Hospital for Children - Chicago |
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Get into a good rehab program. You know, really do your research, find out what’s the best fit for your child. If you need to visit those rehabilitation places, then visit. Get a feel, trust your gut, you’ll know what’s right for your child, your child’s an individual, and you know them, and trust that. And stay organized. There’s going to be a lot of things that you’re going to be learning, and you’re going to be told and taught, and the more you can get it in writing, and keep it organized, the better you’ll have references later, because it’s very difficult under a time of stress to keep that all in your memory.
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What’s the most important thing for parents to do after a child is diagnosed with a spinal cord injury? |
Patricia Mucia, RNNurse Care Coordinator, Shriners Hospital for Children - Chicago |
More Videos by Patricia Mucia | |
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Get into a good rehab program. You know, really do your research, find out what’s the best fit for your child. If you need to visit those rehabilitation places, then visit. Get a feel, trust your gut, you’ll know what’s right for your child, your child’s an individual, and you know them, and trust that. And stay organized. There’s going to be a lot of things that you’re going to be learning, and you’re going to be told and taught, and the more you can get it in writing, and keep it organized, the better you’ll have references later, because it’s very difficult under a time of stress to keep that all in your memory.