Janet – How did family members respond to the news?
Janet – How did family members respond to the news? |
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They were devastated but they were really in kind of a crisis mode, you know. “How do we help her by paying her bills while she is in the hospital?” Taking care of my boys, arranging different things legally, getting custody of me so they can make decisions, medical decisions for me. So, they were really in, like I said, a crisis mode. I think things didn’t settle in until many weeks later.
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Janet – How did family members respond to the news? |
JanetInjured in 2015 at age 45, paraplegic |
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They were devastated but they were really in kind of a crisis mode, you know. “How do we help her by paying her bills while she is in the hospital?” Taking care of my boys, arranging different things legally, getting custody of me so they can make decisions, medical decisions for me. So, they were really in, like I said, a crisis mode. I think things didn’t settle in until many weeks later.