Barry – What was the hardest part of the first days in the hospital?
Barry – What was the hardest part of the first days in the hospital? |
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Your first thoughts are you want that person to live. You’re not sure what’s happening, you don’t have a lot of contact with them. They’re in and out, and they’re certainly not feeling very well and they’re medicated. So, you’re very upset. You’re in pain too, because I was in the car as well. Most people don’t realize that when someone is injured, it’s the whole family that goes with them.
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Barry – What was the hardest part of the first days in the hospital? |
BarryPartner or spouse injured in 2001 at age 56, paraplegic |
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Your first thoughts are you want that person to live. You’re not sure what’s happening, you don’t have a lot of contact with them. They’re in and out, and they’re certainly not feeling very well and they’re medicated. So, you’re very upset. You’re in pain too, because I was in the car as well. Most people don’t realize that when someone is injured, it’s the whole family that goes with them.