How is sexual function in women affected by a spinal cord injury? - Diane M. Rowles, MS, NP
How is sexual function in women affected by a spinal cord injury? |
Diane M. Rowles, MS, NPNurse Practitioner, Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation Program, Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago |
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For women, the T11 to L2 center innervates the uterus. The S2 to S4 center innervates the vulva and the vagina, so their spinal cord injury does not affect their sexual response cycle. What they’ll notice after spinal cord injury is we think due to the hormone change, the medications, the stress. They may miss a menses, or three months of menses or six months of menses, usually it’s back by a year. And even though they’re missing a menses, they still have likelihood after their menses returns, just to have a child just as if they would without spinal cord injury. So we have maybe an alteration in menses, may stop for a while. The other thing is that they may not lubricate enough, so they may have to use something to help with lubrication. But the sexual response cycle itself is not interrupted.
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How is sexual function in women affected by a spinal cord injury? |
Diane M. Rowles, MS, NPNurse Practitioner, Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation Program, Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago |
More Videos by Diane M. Rowles | |
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For women, the T11 to L2 center innervates the uterus. The S2 to S4 center innervates the vulva and the vagina, so their spinal cord injury does not affect their sexual response cycle. What they’ll notice after spinal cord injury is we think due to the hormone change, the medications, the stress. They may miss a menses, or three months of menses or six months of menses, usually it’s back by a year. And even though they’re missing a menses, they still have likelihood after their menses returns, just to have a child just as if they would without spinal cord injury. So we have maybe an alteration in menses, may stop for a while. The other thing is that they may not lubricate enough, so they may have to use something to help with lubrication. But the sexual response cycle itself is not interrupted.