What strategies can help prevent burnout for a caregiver of someone with a spinal cord injury? - Kathy Hulse, MSW
What strategies can help prevent burnout for a caregiver of someone with a spinal cord injury? |
Kathy Hulse, MSWSocial Worker/Outpatient Counselor, Craig Hospital, Colorado |
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Taking care of yourself as much as possible, trying to find time away. One of the challenges with a spinal cord injury is often the injured person would have been at work or at school, and the spouse or the family member will have been away from the person. And then all of a sudden, you’re in a situation where you’re together 24 hours-a-day. And I don’t care what kind of marriage you had—24 hours a day is tough on any marriage. So I think if you can find time away from each other, time to yourself whether it’s taking a walk around the block, spending time reading, whatever you find that can help you take care of yourself is important time away.
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What strategies can help prevent burnout for a caregiver of someone with a spinal cord injury? |
Kathy Hulse, MSWSocial Worker/Outpatient Counselor, Craig Hospital, Colorado |
More Videos by Kathy Hulse | |
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Taking care of yourself as much as possible, trying to find time away. One of the challenges with a spinal cord injury is often the injured person would have been at work or at school, and the spouse or the family member will have been away from the person. And then all of a sudden, you’re in a situation where you’re together 24 hours-a-day. And I don’t care what kind of marriage you had—24 hours a day is tough on any marriage. So I think if you can find time away from each other, time to yourself whether it’s taking a walk around the block, spending time reading, whatever you find that can help you take care of yourself is important time away.