Where can people get information on sex and fertility after a spinal cord injury? - Diane M. Rowles, MS, NP
Where can people get information on sex and fertility after a spinal cord injury? |
Diane M. Rowles, MS, NPNurse Practitioner, Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation Program, Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago |
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First, I would recommend getting involved with a major spinal cord center, somebody who does spinal cord injury, routinely, because they’re going to have resources. Some of that is Model Systems, some of that is psychologists who’ve taken an interest in people with disabilities—there’s many, many people— some of it is people with disabilities themselves. The thing I would always caution people is you want people who are giving you information in fact and not in experience. Because everybody’s experience is different, and though experience is a wonderful teacher, it may not be based all in fact. So you want to combine the fact and the practical. There’s a ton of stuff on the Internet, I do recommend in addition to the Internet, because we don’t know always that websites are reliable and speaking all of truths, also talking to a health care professional, who works in the area, just to confirm that everything you’ve learned on the Internet is exactly, is accurate and useful.
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Where can people get information on sex and fertility after a spinal cord injury? |
Diane M. Rowles, MS, NPNurse Practitioner, Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation Program, Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago |
More Videos by Diane M. Rowles | |
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First, I would recommend getting involved with a major spinal cord center, somebody who does spinal cord injury, routinely, because they’re going to have resources. Some of that is Model Systems, some of that is psychologists who’ve taken an interest in people with disabilities—there’s many, many people— some of it is people with disabilities themselves. The thing I would always caution people is you want people who are giving you information in fact and not in experience. Because everybody’s experience is different, and though experience is a wonderful teacher, it may not be based all in fact. So you want to combine the fact and the practical. There’s a ton of stuff on the Internet, I do recommend in addition to the Internet, because we don’t know always that websites are reliable and speaking all of truths, also talking to a health care professional, who works in the area, just to confirm that everything you’ve learned on the Internet is exactly, is accurate and useful.