
Research Center at Santa Clara Valley Medical Center

Here's what's in this section:

Find specialized physicians in physical medicine and rehabilitation, such as physiatrists, neurologists, and neurosurgeons. Additionally, find experts in spinal cord injury across various fields, including family medicine, sports medicine, physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy, recreation therapy, psychology, social work, and vocational rehabilitation.

Access best-practice patient treatment and family education resources through various medical and professional associations. Stay updated with fact sheets from the Model Systems Knowledge Translation Center for Spinal Cord Injury, which are regularly updated with advancements in medical care.

Stay informed about advancements in research, treatment, education, and medical care by connecting with research registries. Receive alerts about opportunities to participate in clinical trials and learn about recent discoveries.

Access information sources for durable medical equipment and personal care supplies such as manual and electric wheelchairs, hospital beds, Hoyer lifts, crutches, bath benches, commodes, pressure mattresses, grab bars, trapeze bars, urinary supplies, and catheters. Stay informed about new product designs through nationwide Ability Expos, which showcase consumer products supporting health and wellness.

Research Center at Santa Clara Valley Medical Center

The Research Center at Santa Clara Valley Medical Center conducts research to better understand and improve outcomes after TBI and Spinal Cord Injury. Outcomes studied include the functional, vocational and life satisfaction areas that are important to people with and without disabilities.  They strive to meet the needs of injuries persons and their families for information, education and support.
