
Jeremy – Do you live independently?

Jeremy – Do you live independently?

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I’m actually with family now. I live post-accident with my mother and father, I moved back in after my injury. it was going to be, I guess I could say back to convenience, it would be very convenient for me to move back in with them. And then there... Show More

I’m actually with family now. I live post-accident with my mother and father, I moved back in after my injury. it was going to be, I guess I could say back to convenience, it would be very convenient for me to move back in with them. And then there were some things physically I needed some help and assistance with. Since then, my father has passed, and now it’s just me and my mother. And there were some things that you know I could help support her with, where she could help support me with as well. So, at the moment her and I are still living together, and the house is accessible. 

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Jeremy – Do you live independently?


Injured in 2002 at age 23, paraplegic
More Videos by Jeremy

I’m actually with family now. I live post-accident with my mother and father, I moved back in after my injury. it was going to be, I guess I could say back to convenience, it would be very convenient for me to move back in with them. And then there were some things physically I needed some help and assistance with. Since then, my father has passed, and now it’s just me and my mother. And there were some things that you know I could help support her with, where she could help support me with as well. So, at the moment her and I are still living together, and the house is accessible. 

Jeremy – Do you live independently?