
Jamie – What role has adaptive sports played in your life?

Jamie – What role has adaptive sports played in your life?

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I am an adventurous person, so being able to do adaptive sports and adaptive things—I don’t think I would lump it into sports wholly because I go camping, and so, that’s adaptive to me. And it’s just being adventurous, it’s getting out of m... Show More

I am an adventurous person, so being able to do adaptive sports and adaptive things—I don’t think I would lump it into sports wholly because I go camping, and so, that’s adaptive to me. And it’s just being adventurous, it’s getting out of my comfort zone, and doing something that—like I would’ve probably, able-bodied, I probably would’ve never gone scuba diving. But it’s allowed the opportunity to go scuba diving and experience something like that. And so, I don’t know, anything that’s adventurous I’m going to give it a shot.

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Jamie – What role has adaptive sports played in your life?


Injured in 1993 at age 17, paraplegic
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I am an adventurous person, so being able to do adaptive sports and adaptive things—I don’t think I would lump it into sports wholly because I go camping, and so, that’s adaptive to me. And it’s just being adventurous, it’s getting out of my comfort zone, and doing something that—like I would’ve probably, able-bodied, I probably would’ve never gone scuba diving. But it’s allowed the opportunity to go scuba diving and experience something like that. And so, I don’t know, anything that’s adventurous I’m going to give it a shot.

Jamie – What role has adaptive sports played in your life?