
Tricia – How have your friendships changed?

Tricia – How have your friendships changed?

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A few friends that were there from the moment it happened, and have never left my side; obviously I have some really good friends that I can count on, you know, in a pinch.  But, I’d say a lot of them have just, not gone—they’v... Show More

A few friends that were there from the moment it happened, and have never left my side; obviously I have some really good friends that I can count on, you know, in a pinch.  But, I’d say a lot of them have just, not gone—they’ve gone away.  Things like Facebook, and email, and things, we still can communicate with them, but it’s not like what it was before.  With going back to work full time, I don’t feel like I have time to keep those friendships as much as I used to, or as much as I would like to.  That’s the hard part, that’s hard for me because I was lucky to be part-time all the years that I was, all the years that I had been, and if I didn’t feel like cleaning the house, I could hang out with neighbors, you know, we could enjoy the afternoon with the kids.  That stuff has kind of changed.

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Tricia – How have your friendships changed?


Partner or spouse injured in 2007 at age 42, paraplegic
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A few friends that were there from the moment it happened, and have never left my side; obviously I have some really good friends that I can count on, you know, in a pinch.  But, I’d say a lot of them have just, not gone—they’ve gone away.  Things like Facebook, and email, and things, we still can communicate with them, but it’s not like what it was before.  With going back to work full time, I don’t feel like I have time to keep those friendships as much as I used to, or as much as I would like to.  That’s the hard part, that’s hard for me because I was lucky to be part-time all the years that I was, all the years that I had been, and if I didn’t feel like cleaning the house, I could hang out with neighbors, you know, we could enjoy the afternoon with the kids.  That stuff has kind of changed.

Tricia – How have your friendships changed?