
Gail – What’s gotten harder over time?

Gail – What’s gotten harder over time?

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Oh me, my body is starting to give out. You know, I had a hip replacement, and my knees are icky, and that sort of scares me because I want to be there for him in case, you know, he needs anything. And as I'm aging I'm realizing that my body ... Show More

Oh me, my body is starting to give out. You know, I had a hip replacement, and my knees are icky, and that sort of scares me because I want to be there for him in case, you know, he needs anything. And as I'm aging I'm realizing that my body is starting to say, "no, no, no, you know, you are not as able as you used to be." And that troubles me.

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Gail – What’s gotten harder over time?


Partner or spouse injured in 1974 at age 26, paraplegic
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Oh me, my body is starting to give out. You know, I had a hip replacement, and my knees are icky, and that sort of scares me because I want to be there for him in case, you know, he needs anything. And as I'm aging I'm realizing that my body is starting to say, "no, no, no, you know, you are not as able as you used to be." And that troubles me.

Gail – What’s gotten harder over time?