What’s the best advice you have for spouses or partners after a spinal cord injury? - Samuel Gordon, PhD
What’s the best advice you have for spouses or partners after a spinal cord injury? |
Samuel Gordon, PhDPsychologist, MedStar National Rehabilitation Hospital, Washington, D.C. |
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To be patient, understanding and give that person with the spinal cord injury time. They need time to get used to this whole change that is happening in their lives and their bodies. They need time to figure out where things are going to go from here, and how much their family is going to have to support them in ways they weren’t expecting them to support them before their injury.
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What’s the best advice you have for spouses or partners after a spinal cord injury? |
Samuel Gordon, PhDPsychologist, MedStar National Rehabilitation Hospital, Washington, D.C. |
More Videos by Samuel Gordon | |
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To be patient, understanding and give that person with the spinal cord injury time. They need time to get used to this whole change that is happening in their lives and their bodies. They need time to figure out where things are going to go from here, and how much their family is going to have to support them in ways they weren’t expecting them to support them before their injury.