What social support does peer counseling offer? - Julie Gassaway, MS, RN
What social support does peer counseling offer? |
Julie Gassaway, MS, RNDirector Health and Wellness, Shepherd Center, Atlanta |
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Social support could come in a variety of ways. One, peers can invite you into a community, a community of people with spinal cord injury. In some places that involves coming to meetings or dinners or going out to events with your peers, and in other cases where you are not in the same geographic location, websites can do that—FacingDisability.com is a good one. At Shepherd, our peers have a Facebook page that has over 2,500 people involved in that page. They are all friends and they have very active conversations about issues that are of concern to the people on the page. You can talk about whatever you want and you can get feedback from other people who are living with spinal cord injury.
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What social support does peer counseling offer? |
Julie Gassaway, MS, RNDirector Health and Wellness, Shepherd Center, Atlanta |
More Videos by Julie Gassaway | |
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Social support could come in a variety of ways. One, peers can invite you into a community, a community of people with spinal cord injury. In some places that involves coming to meetings or dinners or going out to events with your peers, and in other cases where you are not in the same geographic location, websites can do that—FacingDisability.com is a good one. At Shepherd, our peers have a Facebook page that has over 2,500 people involved in that page. They are all friends and they have very active conversations about issues that are of concern to the people on the page. You can talk about whatever you want and you can get feedback from other people who are living with spinal cord injury.