
Stephanie – Who does the primary caregiving?

Stephanie – Who does the primary caregiving?

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I don't have—no it's, you're looking at it. I've been independent since my injury and remain independent. So, I don't have, you know, if I need a light bulb change, I have to call in an extra set of hands, but that's abo... Show More

I don't have—no it's, you're looking at it. I've been independent since my injury and remain independent. So, I don't have, you know, if I need a light bulb change, I have to call in an extra set of hands, but that's about it.

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Stephanie – Who does the primary caregiving?


Injured in 1994 at age 26, paraplegic
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I don't have—no it's, you're looking at it. I've been independent since my injury and remain independent. So, I don't have, you know, if I need a light bulb change, I have to call in an extra set of hands, but that's about it.

Stephanie – Who does the primary caregiving?