
Vic – Who does the primary caregiving?

Vic – Who does the primary caregiving?

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I have the ability, I have a nurse that comes in, and helps out with, you know, bowel programs, and showers, and getting dressed, and all that kind of good stuff.  And, she comes in pretty much as often as we need.  She’s with an agen... Show More

I have the ability, I have a nurse that comes in, and helps out with, you know, bowel programs, and showers, and getting dressed, and all that kind of good stuff.  And, she comes in pretty much as often as we need.  She’s with an agency, so I didn’t hire her, but she’s with an agency.  She’s been with me for like six years, so I’m lucky that way for the consistency.  My wife will help out, and do whatever needs to be done, if my primary nurse can’t do it.  And, I think that’s—when we go out of town on vacations or whatever, I will always work through trying to get a care attendant out of town. I don’t want a vacation to automatically mean my wife’s got to be my caregiver.  So we always try that, sometimes we’re successful, sometimes we’re not.

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Vic – Who does the primary caregiving?


Injured in 1996 at age 41, paraplegic
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I have the ability, I have a nurse that comes in, and helps out with, you know, bowel programs, and showers, and getting dressed, and all that kind of good stuff.  And, she comes in pretty much as often as we need.  She’s with an agency, so I didn’t hire her, but she’s with an agency.  She’s been with me for like six years, so I’m lucky that way for the consistency.  My wife will help out, and do whatever needs to be done, if my primary nurse can’t do it.  And, I think that’s—when we go out of town on vacations or whatever, I will always work through trying to get a care attendant out of town. I don’t want a vacation to automatically mean my wife’s got to be my caregiver.  So we always try that, sometimes we’re successful, sometimes we’re not.

Vic – Who does the primary caregiving?