“Imperfect” is a new, award-winning documentary that follows a professional ensemble of actors with disabilities as they go through the process of casting, rehearsing, and performing the musical “Chicago.” It is both difficult and rewarding for them.
The film spotlights Phamaly (pronounced family), a “disability-affirmative theater company” based in Denver. It shows a diverse ensemble of actors, each navigating their individual disability — from spinal cord injuries to Parkinson’s Disease, cerebral palsy to autism. Their mission is to bring the magic of “Chicago” to life, defying expectations and celebrating their passion for the stage.
Co-directed by Regan Linton, the documentary also prominently features her as a main character. Her commitment to the project is intense: “I feel like every cell in my body was involved with this film from start to finish, at all levels. It was a labor of love of the best kind.” Linton’s personal journey intersects with the other actors, creating a powerful narrative that comes through on screen.
The film won the People’s Choice award at the Denver Film Festival in 2021, and has been nominated for several other awards.
“Imperfect” premiered digitally last month and is now available to stream on various platforms and on YouTube.
Some time ago, I saw a screening of “Imperfect”. It opened my eyes about different abilities. It was also very entertaining, watching the casting and rehearsal process for the musical “Chicago” takes you on a ride. We are cheering for the cast and Ms. Litton the whole journey.
I would enjoy more films in a series if it ever happened.
I am a Broadway theater worker and I was totaly engaged watching the film.
People should change the way they think about disability in our society. “Imperfect” is an excellent vehicle for some change.