The app allows anyone to report disabled parking abuse in his city or town in less than two minutes.
When you see a vehicle parked illegally, simply launch Parking Mobility, take three photos and tap submit. App administrators will then inform the city’s officials, who frequently ticket the vehicle’s owner.
” Very quickly, the app spread to over 100,000 users worldwide.
For much more on how you can participate in this movement to help accessible parking abuse, see this article from
For resources on active lifestyles on our website, click here.
I think this is great but what do we do with people use if others disabled parking permit.
Also I think we should go after the doctors who give them out like candy.
Ops. What do we do with people who use other people’s disabled permit or even steals other parking permits.
Great and very necessary app! Accessible parking abuse is a reality that hasn’t been taken seriously enough so hopefully this will help.