The Personal-Aide Wheelchair to Toilet Transfer Board is made for tight spaces in just the right places.
Transfer boards are used to aid mobility when the feet and legs are fully or partially impaired. This one was made especially with the toilet in mind. The board has curved notches that will securely hug certain areas of a locked-down wheelchair and can gently hook to the curves of a toilet seat.
This model has a shorter chair-end, which may make transfers easier for some users with certain types of mobility issues.
These transfer boards have been designed in cooperation with clinicians to optimize the strength-to-weight capacity and have been shaped for specific tasks. All boards are made as thin and light as possible using durable, multi-ply Baltic Birch finished with a non-marring, slippery durable finish. The boards have rounded corners and beveled or rounded edges to make positioning simple and to minimize the risk of skin and clothing damage. Standard transfer boards have a capacity of 250 lbs. Bariatric transfer boards have a capacity of 450 lbs. All wood is fumigated for infection control. Complies with American and Canadian FDA regulations.
All boards are made as thin and light as possible using durable, multi-ply Baltic Birch wood, finished with a non-marring, slippery durable finish. The boards have rounded corners and beveled or rounded edges to make positioning simple and to minimize the risk of skin and clothing damage. All wood is fumigated for infection control. Complies with American and Canadian FDA regulations.
All wood is fumigated for infection control. Complies with American and Canadian FDA regulations.
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Could you please tell us the dimensions for the above transfer board
Personal-Aide Wheelchair to Toilet Transfer Board