Living with a spinal cord injury is both a physical and psychological journey. While damage to the spinal cord does not directly affect a person’s psychological makeup, the motor and sensory impairments that follow can create changes to mental health. A psychotherapist or psychologist can help guide thoughts, identify the root of problems, and suggest effective coping mechanisms. Psychotherapy focuses on helping understand behaviors and generally provides a more long-term solution for managing mental distress.
In this section, we asked prominent psychologists who deal with spinal cord injury patients about how to manage common feelings and emotions after SCI. Their interviews include advice on how to develop an understanding of the injury for new patients (8 Q&A videos) and for families (6 Q&A videos). They talk about how to overcome resistance to rehabilitation (8 Q&A videos), or to using a wheelchair (6 Q&A videos), and how to answer the question: “Will I ever walk again?” (8 Q&A videos). Other videos explore coping strategies (8 Q&A videos), common psychological obstacles (7 Q&A videos), sex and dating (8 Q&A videos) and how to determine when it’s time to go back to school (3 Q&A videos) or return to work (6 Q&A videos). Family members who may also be struggling with the diagnosis of paralysis will find advice for spouses and partners after a spinal cord injury (7 Q&A videos).
How are family relationships affected by a spinal cord injury?
What’s the best advice you have for spouses or partners after a spinal cord injury?
How do you help newly injured patients develop an understanding of their spinal cord injury?
How do you help families develop an understanding of spinal cord injury?
At what point after a spinal cord injury is a psychological evaluation made?
What can families do to help patients cope with a spinal cord injury?
What coping strategies work best for family members after a spinal cord injury?
How do you help patients with a spinal cord injury overcome resistance to rehabilitation?
How do you deal with patients with a spinal cord injury who don’t want to use a wheelchair?
How do you answer the question “Will I ever walk again?” after a spinal cord injury?
What are the most difficult psychological obstacles for patients to overcome after spinal cord injury?
What are the most difficult psychological obstacles for families to overcome after spinal cord injury?
What advice do you offer about sex and dating after a spinal cord injury?
What indicates the need for psychotherapy after a spinal cord injury?
How effective is group therapy after a spinal cord injury?
In what ways can peer mentors be helpful after a spinal cord injury?
When should a person with a spinal cord injury return to school?
When should a person with a spinal cord injury return to work?
What’s the best advice you have for someone with a new spinal cord injury?
What is the role of a psychologist after a spinal cord injury?